Monday, May 16, 2011

On With the Week!

Last Friday I weighed in at Weight Watchers, as I try to do every Friday (as scheduling allows).  Up 2.6 pounds.  Now tell me this, why is it that I can put on weight like a champ, 2 and a half pounds a week it would seem, but when I lose, I'm lucky if I can get down more than .6 at at time? Very frustrating.

This week's goal is to be down at least half of what I'd gained last week.  There is absolutely no rhyme or reason for the gain.  I was not eating cake or cookies (so not my thing), I was not eating deep fried foods, I was not binge eating, I did not have fits of psychotic hunger... I just don't know why I put on 2.6 pounds in a week.  So, if you don't know how the weight got on, how on Earth do you "make a change" to ensure it doesn't happen again?  Well... you don't.  I'm just trying to make good choices and stick with the program.

For example, last night after dinner I tried to head over to my community's 24/7 gym.  Naturally, it's just been renovated and somewhere in all the construction my key fob to access the door of said gym was deactivated.  I called, and it will be a few days before they can replace my fob.  Fine.  I won't go to the gym.  Instead, I took a walk around my community.  I didn't wear a pedometer and I didn't clock it.  I didn't walk partiularly fast -- I just walked around.  At a leasurely pace it took about 12 minutes to get from my front door all the way back around to my front door again.  I certainly won't be running any marathons anytime soon, but baby steps.  It's more movement than I'd have gotten sitting on my couch watching Oprah Behind The Scenes.

After I'd gotten home I drank a glass of milk, as I've heard the dairy helps the body burn calories, especially after exersion.  Then I made lunch for today, cleaned the kitchen (activity points?!??!) and went to bed. 

Good Morning, Monday.  Nice to see you.  It's me against the week, and I plan to win, so look out!  On todays' menu:

Breakfast:  1 cup of decaf coffee w/ a splash of half & half
                 1 Carnation Instant Breakfast

Luch:        The bucket of caramalized vadallia onions and sauteed broccolli that I made last night before going to bed with half of a grilled chicken breast sliced over it -- smells so good! Love it when I can make food from scratch and it's EASY!

Dinner:  Ughh... dinner.  I don't know.  Chicken cutlets?  Meatloaf?  I'll let you know.  I honestly don't have a plan for this yet.

Yes, I am fully aware that lack of planning is a major Weight Watchers Fail, but being a successful Weight Watcher is about making better choices.  It doesn't have to be about planning.  Right?  Maybe?  We'll see how it goes on Friday.

Off to work, because now I'm late.  Silly me, I had to write a blog first.

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